I'm Miller!

  • Frontend Engineer that specializes in modern Javascript frameworks/libraries
  • Loves drum breaks/fills/solos
  • Indie Game Development (Tell me what your current favorite punishingly difficult deckbuilding roguelike lifesim with incremental upgrades is)
  • Dragon Quest enthusiast currently playing through DQV on the DS

  I am passionate about open-source work and consistently pushing myself to become a better engineer and person. I love learning new frontend frameworks, and most recently have been loving Next.js with Typescript (that's what this site is built in!)

My Favorite Technologies:


► Dynamic
► Virtual DOM
► Unopinionated
► Fast rerenders
► Rich Ecosystem



► Predictable
► Maintainable
► Debuggable
► Scalable
► Performant



► Compiled
► True reactivity
► 2-way binding
► Fast


Notable Mentions

► Next.js
► Node.js/Express.js
► Typescript

I most recently launched SvelteStorm, a frontend-focused desktop IDE application built in Svelte and Electron.

Svelte is a tool deeply rooted in open-source development and has a passionate following, and my team wanted to contribute to that culture. I worked primarily on a search-and-display feature that parsed through user-inputted files and transformed the data into an Abstract Syntax Tree, and from there Svelte state dependencies were identified and displayed back via a window on the application page. SvelteStorm also includes a BrowserWindow to display client views while working on an application, a fully-featured code editor including bracket pairing and syntax highlighting using CodeMirror, and a functional terminal utilizing XTerm.

You can visit svelte-storm.com to learn more about the tool, or visit my GitHub page to see the code for yourself!