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7 Languages in 7 Weeks

Programming Pragamatically

As I have been at my job for a while now, I have been trying to kickstart my learning outside of work. The onboarding process is mostly completed (it is an everlasting undertaking), so my mental capacity has been refilled. I have been trying to read more books, as now that I have professional experience, many of the concepts I once felt like I missed now have real life contexts I can pull from.

I started reading 'The Pragmatic Programmer' again, as when I first bought the book I was entirely self-taught and a lot of it went over my head. One of the suggestions early on in the book was to learn a new language every year, and that was an idea I liked.

I recently visited Austin, Texas and visited a Book People store while I was there. One of the first orders of business is to make a beeline straight to the Technology/Computer section. I found a physical copy of 'Seven Languages in Seven Weeks' by Bruce A. Tate (and published by the Pragmatic Programmers), who according to the back of the book owned/owns a software consulting business in Austin, funny how life works sometimes. Anyway, I had also heard of this book through a software engineering book club put on by TJ Devries, so I picked it up.

Now, I am one-upping Pragmatic Principals by learning 7 languages this year. It's been fun, and I want to document my journey here in my blog.

The work I do for this book can be found at: https://github.com/MillerJ20/7L7W